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Python client


The zpy client enables you to generate and download synthetic datasets.

This API is in early access. If you're interested in using it, email us at

Quick start guide


You can install zpy with pip:

pip install zpy-zumo

Generating your first dataset

# Make sure you're using the latest version of the zpy library:
#   pip install zpy-zumo --upgrade
import zpy.client as zpy

# We'll provide your project id during on-boarding

# This is your temporary auth token. It can be found by visiting:
# The auth token will expire when you log out of the web app

zpy.init(project_uuid=project_uuid, auth_token=auth_token)

# The simulation (sim) is the packaged version of the blender assets and
# generations script.
# We'll give you the sim for your specific project and share new sim names when we
# create new versions.
sim_name = "demo_sim_v1"

# A DatasetConfig defines what synthetic data you want generated.
# For now, there are no parameters to configure. But in the future, this will include
# sim specific parameters like: changing the cropping style or selecting which classes
# should be included in a dataset.
dataset_config = zpy.DatasetConfig(sim_name)

# The generate call will cause our backend to actually generate a dataset. 
# There are a few known issues:
# * Takes ~5 minutes to provision and spin up machines for larger generation jobs >200
#   images
# * Each dataset needs a unique name, e.g. 'dataset.01'. In the future, we may remove
#   the concept of dataset names. Instead datasets will only be specified by their
#   config.
# * Calls to `generate` for a config that has already been generated take longer than
#   they should. In the future, if the data has already been generated it will start
#   downloading immediately.
zpy.generate('dataset.01', dataset_config, num_datapoints=50, materialize=True)